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The Skinny on COVID

The latest in numbers: 46M total cases & 746K deaths (+511K & +10K from last week) in the US.

The headlines:

  • As expected, the FDA approved Pfizer vaccines for children between the ages of 5 and11 years old. Children who receive the shot will be given a third of the dosage given to adults.

  • Current cases are down 60% from the peak of the Delta surge.

  • Here’s something that should surprise absolutely no one: our diet has a huge impact on how we’d battle a potential COVID infection. When will the US make this insight a part of their strategy to end the pandemic?

Keeping Up with Biden & Harris

Biden is in Glasgow, Scotland this week to meet with other world leaders about saving the world from climate change. Can he convince them that the US is able to lead the way? Are we able to lead the way?

VP Harris is still putting in work in Virginia for its gubernatorial race taking place tomorrow. Introduced by Pharrell at a recent campaign event, her focus is on making sure Black folks hit the polls.

The Biden Administration is considering giving up to $450K to each of the families separated at the border during the Trump years. Trump is the mistake that we keep on paying for. Literally.

Congress, What’s Good?

Okay. At this point, let’s forget the whole “Build Back Better” thing. Can we just build something to give to the people?? After Pelosi said Dems were close to agreeing & passing the spending (& infrastructure) plan last week, additional cuts were made, and nothing was passed.

What got the axe? Paid family leave, 2 years of free community college, and dental & vision Medicare insurance. They also cut the possibility for Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices.

Universal pre-K, Obamacare subsidies, plus funding for affordable housing & violence intervention are among the things still included. The child tax credit would also be extended for a year. As it stands today, the current bill would spend $1.75T over the course of a decade.

Allegedly, the House vote will take place early this week, but we all know how that goes. Maybe they’ll vote, maybe they wont.

On the roster for this week’s committee meetings:

Social Justice Round Up

The-anti CRT crusaders are still going. Some in Virginia now want to ban Beloved by the one & only Toni Morrison.

Facebook changed its name, but is that enough to curb all the hate speech or to distance Zuckerberg from the scandals?? Definitely not.

The judge presiding over the murder trial for Kyle Rittenhouse, the young thug who killed 2 people during the 2020 protests, says the men he shot can be called “looters” & “rioters,” but not “victims.” Oh, to be white in America...

Are Democratic mayoral candidates in big cities like New York, Cleveland, & Seattle backtracking from the “Black Lives Matter” cause & getting back in line with the po po? Signs are pointing to yes.

Around the Diaspora

After barely 2 years, Sudan’s half-civilian/half-military governing body has fallen apart. The military overtook the country last week and it’s harming the people in multiple ways: protests are being met with violence from soldiers & Biden has paused $700M in aid that was supposed to be sent over.

South African scientists are trying to reverse engineer the Moderna vaccine because these manufacturers are still stingy & immoral AF. Shout out to Black folks doing what we always do: taking care of ourselves.

Britain alone stole thousands on artifacts from Africa during its colonial rule. It’s time to return them to their rightful homes, but the Brits are taking their precious time.

Getting to the Money

Are you a junior or mid-level content designer who specializes in both print & digital? Talent agency William Morris Endeavor is looking for you to work in their sports division.

Love making sense of data? The Kapor Center is looking for a Senior Data & Insights Analyst to help in their mission to diversify tech. The gig is based in the Bay...Oakland, to be exact.

Buying Black

Miss the Motherland and wanna feel like you’re transported back? Never been, but want to imagine yourself being there? The Omume Company has got something for you with their African-inspired candles. Each of their vegan & toxin-free candles recalls a landmark or staple of the 4 corners of the Continent: the Sahara (North Africa), Kilimanjaro (Tanzania/East Africa), Tugela Falls (South Africa), & jollof rice (West Africa). Explore or relive the essence of Africa by bringing The Omume Company into your home.

Culture that Pops

Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight organization donated $1.3M to help people cancel their medical debt. The donation will help 108K people who live across Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi & Alabama.

A queen & a King all at once. Regina King solidified her legacy as an actor & director at Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre.

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, you can’t knock the hustle. Jay-Z & LL Cool J were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame over the weekend.


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